The company

The company

Since 2016, it has been on a modernisation path that includes the integration of WCM (World Class Manufacturing) standards, co-engineering with customers and suppliers, customised logistics strategies and brand reinforcement



The experience accumulated over the years has enabled Orme SRL to specialise in the machining of aluminium, cast iron and their alloys, as well as ferritic steels.

Production area

Production area

The shooting lathes are either single or twin-spindle, also stand-alone or combined with automatic loading/unloading systems.

All machines connected and certified INDUSTRY 4.0 To complete the services, cutting units (manual and automatic), tumbling, washing and cleaning, deburring centers, assembly islands and kittiing areas are worth mentioning
More about uor machinary

    is a solid and dynamic company operating in various sectors with high technological content through mechanical milling and turning processes that are performed by numerical control machines.
    Today Orme SRL employs more than 45 people and uses a production department consisting mainly of machining centers and lathes as well as a metrology room with a wide range of measuring instruments and three-dimensional control machines.
    Centesimal quality and precision have distinguished the company in its 40 years of activity.
Services and quality / ISO 9001: 2015 certification We have a special room for processing control equipped with a three-dimensional MITUTOYO machine with RENISHAW PH10 articulated head with automatic tool change. These procedures allow, in addition to the same quality level even after thousands of pieces, the delivery of the parts supplied / processed by us in FREE PASS.
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