The company
Since 2016, it has been on a modernisation path that includes the integration of WCM (World Class Manufacturing) standards, co-engineering with customers and suppliers, customised logistics strategies and brand reinforcement
Since 2016, it has been on a modernisation path that includes the integration of WCM (World Class Manufacturing) standards, co-engineering with customers and suppliers, customised logistics strategies and brand reinforcement
The experience accumulated over the years has enabled Orme SRL to specialise in the machining of aluminium, cast iron and their alloys, as well as ferritic steels.
The shooting lathes are either single or twin-spindle, also stand-alone or combined with automatic loading/unloading systems.
Advanced technological standards for turning at high production rates and high precision
CNC Machining Centers dedicated and optimized for every product need and production rate
Constant temperature and latest generation measuring systems to check all mechanical processes.
Wide range of services to complete our offer